Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Adding If / Else Logic

In the previous post Workflow Application part2 we created an enhanced Hello Workflow application with a custom hello message. In this post, we will add If/Else logic to the workflow to display a different Hello message depending on a custom condition.

We will use the "write the test first" approach, that is, first writing a test for the new requirement and then implementing the necessary code to make it pass.
A new requirement for our application has been introduced. If the name has an odd number of letters then you want the first word of the greeting to be "Greetings", otherwise the first word should be "Hello". As an example, now your workflow will be the equivalent of this code:
private static string SayHello(string userName)
  string FirstWord = null;

  if (userName.Length % 2 == 0)
    FirstWord = "Hello";
    FirstWord = "Greetings";

  return FirstWord + ", " + userName +" from Workflow 4";

Visual Basic
Private Shared Function SayHello(ByVal userName As String) As String
  Dim FirstWord As String = Nothing

  If userName.Length Mod 2 = 0 Then
    FirstWord = "Hello"
    FirstWord = "Greetings"
  End If

  Return FirstWord & ", " & userName & " from Workflow 4"
End Function

  1. First open HelloWorkFlow project from last article Workflow Application part2 .
  2. Create a test to verify the new requirement. To do this, open the SayHelloFixture.cs file (C#) or SayHelloFixture.vb (VB), located under the HelloWorkflow.Test project, and add the following test.
    public void ShouldReturnGreetingWithOddLengthName()
      var output = WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(
        new SayHello() { UserName = "Odd" });

      string greeting = output["Greeting"].ToString();

      Assert.AreEqual("Greetings Odd from Workflow 4", greeting);
    Visual Basic
    Public Sub ShouldReturnGreetingWithOddLengthName()
      Dim output = WorkflowInvoker.Invoke( _
        New SayHello() With {.UserName = "Odd"})
      Assert.AreEqual("Greetings Odd from Workflow 4",
    End Sub
  3. Right-click over test method and select Run Tests (ctrl + R,T) . The test will fail because you have not modified the workflow yet to return a different hello message in each case.
    ShouldReturnGreetingWithOddLengthName test failing
    ShouldReturnGreetingWithOddLengthName test failing
  4. Open SayHello.xaml in the workflow designer. To do this, double-click the file in Solution Explorer.
  5. Add a FirstWord variable to store the first word of the hello message, whether it is "Hello" or "Greetings". To do this, follow these steps:
    a.       Select the Sequence by clicking over the shape surface.
    b.       Click the Variables button. A panel that displays the available variables for the Sequence activity appears.
    c.       Click <Create Variable>.
    d.       Type FirstWord in the Name box.

    Adding the FirstWord variable of type String to Sequence
    Adding the FirstWord variable of type String to Sequence
      Notes :
    In Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Variables represent the storage of data. Arguments, on the other side, represent the flow of data into and out of an activity. Variables have a scope just as they do in C# or Visual Basic. If you open the variables pane without selecting an activity you won't be able to add a variable. The activity selected in the designer will provide the scope for the variable. In this case, FirstWord belongs to the Sequence scope.
    1. Now we need to test the UserName argument to see if it has an even or odd number of characters. To do this, drag an If activity from the Toolbox and drop it into the Sequence activity above the Assign activity.
    2. Set the If activity DisplayName to Set FirstWord value by selecting the text on the shape and editing it inline or by setting it in the property grid (select the activity and press F4 to display it).
      Note: The Workflow designer allows you to give the shape a more readable name by setting its DisplayName property.

      The If activity with the description set
      The If activity with the description set
      Watch Out
      The red icons are warning you that this workflow is not valid currently. The If activity still requires that you supply an expression for the Condition argument.
      1. Supply an expression for the If condition. To do this, double-click the If activity to open it and type the following expression in the Condition box. This will check if the name length is odd or even.
        Visual Basic
        UserName.Length Mod 2 = 0

        Expressions are program statements that can be a literal string, a conditional statement, or an expression that concatenates several strings or calls a method or invokes another activity. Expressions are written using Visual Basic syntax even if the application is in C#. This means capitalization does not matter, comparison is performed using a single equals sign instead of “==”, and the Boolean operators are the words "And" and "Or" instead of the symbols "&&" and "||".
      2. Update the FirstWord variable value for even length names, which should be greeted with a "Hello" message. Drag an Assign activity from the Toolbox and drop it into the Then area. After that, type FirstWord in the To box (left side) and "Hello " (including the space at the end) in the Value box (right side).
      3. Now update the FirstWord variable value for odd length names, which should be greeted with a "Greetings" message. Drag and Assign activity from the Toolbox and drop it into the Else area. Then type FirstWord in the To box (left side) and "Greetings " (including the space at the end) in the Value box (right side).
        The completed If activity
        The completed If activity
        1. Modify the final Assign activity to customize the hello message displayed based on the FirstWord value. To do this, in the Assign activity located below the If activity replace the content of the Value box (right side) with the following expression:
          Visual Basic
          FirstWord & UserName & " from Workflow 4"
          The Completed Workflow
          The Completed Workflow
          1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+B to build the solution.
          2. From the menu select Test / Run / All Tests In Solution or press CTRL+R,A.
          3. Verify that all the tests pass.
            Tests pass
            Tests pass

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